Lady Stefanie
Demanding FinDomme - Strict FemDomme - Passionate Fetishist
I am Lady Stefanie.
I discovered my dominance very early and I am a born diva with a touch of natural arrogance. Even in kindergarten I was aware of how I could wrap the little boys around my finger. Over the years, I have perfected this talent. I have a knack for molding the male into a docile puppet. Likewise, I mastered the weaker sex skillfully to oppress, to order around, to bully and to bring it to lay the world at my feet!
I am Lady Stefanie.
I discovered my dominance very early and I am a born diva with a touch of natural arrogance. Even in kindergarten I was aware of how I could wrap the little boys around my finger. Over the years, I have perfected this talent. I have a knack for molding the male into a docile puppet. Likewise, I mastered the weaker sex skillfully to oppress, to order around, to bully and to bring it to lay the world at my feet!
Visit my personal website
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Face Kicks
Clip ID: 512820023199 • Clip URL:
I'll give you face kicks in your ugly loser face. I mean, look at you. Your ugly face can only get better.
Language: English
Price: 9.99 USD
Added: 2022-11-06
Length: 5:00 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 295.79 MB
Nadeln & Faden
Clip ID: 512820025061 • Clip URL:
Der Neue ist nun nicht mehr der neue Sklavenanwärter sondern der neue feste Sklave. Die Probezeit ist um und ab jetzt gehts rund. Der zarte Faden unserer wachsenden Dom-Sub-Bindung wird heute symbolisch mit Nadeln und Faden von mir in das Sklavengehänge eingearbeitet, damit er wachsen und gedeihen kann.
Needles & Thread
The new one is now no longer the new slave candidate, but the new steady slave. The trial period is over and from now on it gets round. Today the delicate thread of our growing dom-sub-bond is symbolically worked into the slaves hanger with needles and thread by me, so that it can grow and flourish.
Main theme: NEEDLES
Language: German
Price: 39.99 USD
Added: 2023-10-09
Length: 40:22 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 2.31 GB
Hand Trampling 3
Clip ID: 512820025030 • Clip URL:
Nach langer Zeit gab es endlich mal wieder eine Runde Hand Trampling. Die Sissy Bitch wurde von mir an die Holzliege fixiert. So hatte sie kaum Spielraum mir ihre Hände zu entziehen. Es folgte ein schönes, kurzes Hand Trampling mit fiesen dicken Blockabsätzen, die der Sissy Bitch lustige Töne entlockten.
Hand Trampling 3
After a long time there was finally a round of hand trampling. The Sissy Bitch was fixed by me to the wooden lounger. So she had nearly no room to pull her hands away from me. It followed a nice, short hand trampling with nasty thick block heels, which elicited funny sounds from the sissy bitch.
Main theme: TRAMPLING
Language: German
Price: 13.99 USD
Added: 2023-09-29
Length: 9:53 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 572.57 MB
Raucherin 1
Clip ID: 512820025022 • Clip URL:
Endlich darfst du mir wieder beim rauchen zusehen. Es ist alles wie immer. Du liebst den Anblick wie meine grazilen Finger die Zigarette zu meinen Lippen führen und wartest sehnsüchtig darauf, dass ich dir den Rauch in deine Visage blase, während ich dir klar mache, was für eine Nullnummer du bist und dich auffordere an mich zu zahlen...
Smoker 1
Finally you are allowed to watch me smoking again. It's all the same as always. You love the sight of my graceful fingers guiding the cigarette to my lips and wait eagerly for me to blow the smoke into your face, while I make it clear to you what a loser you are and guide you to pay...
Main theme: SMOKING
Language: German
Price: 11.99 USD
Added: 2023-09-27
Length: 6:23 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 461.19 MB
Stinkesocken Lutscher
Clip ID: 512820025001 • Clip URL:
Dieser Sub verehrt seine Göttin von Kopf bis Fuss. Egal was ich ihm serviere, er nimmt es dankend und voller Demut entgegen. Heute darf er zu meiner Belustigung ein Paar von mir getragene Stinkesocken lutschen und er lässt sie sich gut schmecken.
Stinky Socks Sucker
This sub worships his goddess from head to toe. No matter what I serve him, he accepts it gratefully and humbly. Today he may sucks a pair of stinky socks worn by me to my amusement and they taste him obviously excellent.
Main theme: FOOT FETISH
Language: German
Price: 9.99 USD
Added: 2023-09-25
Length: 10:58 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 790.66 MB
Füsse im Bett 14 - Igno Clip
Clip ID: 512820024975 • Clip URL:
Mein neuer Badeanzug gewährt einen tiefen Einblick, aber neben meinen sexy Füssen in Netzstrumpfhose, wird die Aussicht auf mein pralles Dekolleté fast zur Nebensache. Eine Optik die dein Hirn ganz weich und deinen Schwanz ganz hart werden lässt, Gooner. Es ist wieder Zeit deiner stupiden Wichssucht nachzugehen, während ich dich wie eh und je ignoriere.
Feet In Bed 14 - Igno Clip
My new swimsuit gives a deep insight, but next to my sexy feet in fishnet tights, the view of my plump cleavage almost becomes a minor matter. A look that makes your brain all soft and your cock all hard, gooner. It's time to follow your stupid jerk addiction again, while I ignore you as ever.
Main theme: FOOT FETISH
Related categories: FETISH, FETISH, FINDOM
Language: German
Price: 11.99 USD
Added: 2023-09-20
Length: 10:11 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 591.93 MB
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