Lady Stefanie
Demanding FinDomme - Strict FemDomme - Passionate Fetishist
I am Lady Stefanie.
I discovered my dominance very early and I am a born diva with a touch of natural arrogance. Even in kindergarten I was aware of how I could wrap the little boys around my finger. Over the years, I have perfected this talent. I have a knack for molding the male into a docile puppet. Likewise, I mastered the weaker sex skillfully to oppress, to order around, to bully and to bring it to lay the world at my feet!
I am Lady Stefanie.
I discovered my dominance very early and I am a born diva with a touch of natural arrogance. Even in kindergarten I was aware of how I could wrap the little boys around my finger. Over the years, I have perfected this talent. I have a knack for molding the male into a docile puppet. Likewise, I mastered the weaker sex skillfully to oppress, to order around, to bully and to bring it to lay the world at my feet!
Visit my personal website
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Lederstiefel Teasing 7 - Igno Clip
Clip ID: 512820028445 • Clip URL:
Ohne dass ich dich beachte, schaffe ich es, deinen Blick auf mich zu ziehen. Mein Lederstiefel Teasing lässt dich geifern und sorgt für pure Geilheit zwischen deinem Schritt. Ich bin gütig und gestatte es dir, dich an mir und meinem Leder aufzugeilen. Vergiss nicht meine Güte mit einem würdigen Tribut wertzuschätzen, du perverser notgeiler Spanner.
Leather Boots Teasing 7 - Igno Clip
Without paying attention to you, I manage to attract your gaze on me. My leather boots teasing makes you drool and provides pure horniness between your crotch. I am kind and allow you to get horny on me and my leather. Do not forget to appreciate my kindness with a worthy tribute, you perverted peeping ...
Main theme: BOOT WORSHIP
Language: German
Price: 7.99 USD
Added: 2025-01-23
Length: 13:17 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 961.60 MB

Epidemic Chewing Gum
Clip ID: 512820022180 • Clip URL:
Once again I have caught a fat cold and you can share in it. Buy my epidemic chewing gum and get a piece of my cold!
Erneut habe ich mir eine fette Erkältung eingefangen und du darfst daran teilhaben. Kauf dir meine Seuchenkaugummis und hol dir ein Stück meiner Erkältung!
Main theme: FETISH
Related categories: GODDESS WORSHIP, FETISH
Language: German
Price: 7.99 USD
Added: 2022-06-20
Length: 5:00 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 281.37 MB

Feet In Bed 1 - Igno Clip
Clip ID: 512820022179 • Clip URL:
Elegantly I place myself on the bed and as I lie there you have the perfect view of my feet. As a voyeur in front of the bed you are ignored by me. After all, this hot view of my feet in bed should be enough to fuck your brain.
Füsse im Bett 1 - Igno Clip
Elegant platziere ich mich auf dem Bett und so wie ich da liege hast du den perfekten Ausblick auf meine Füsse. Als Spanner vor dem Bett wirst du von mir ignoriert. Immerhin sollte diese geile Aussicht auf meine Füsse im Bett ausreichen um dir die letzten Gehirnzellen weg zu ficken.
Main theme: FOOT FETISH
Related categories: GODDESS WORSHIP, FETISH
Language: German
Price: 11.99 USD
Added: 2022-06-20
Length: 7:43 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 440.86 MB

Armpit Fetish 1
Clip ID: 512820022178 • Clip URL:
Here I present my beautiful armpits to you again and you cannot avert your gaze. Come closer, armpit lover!
Achselfetisch 1
Hier präsentiere ich dir erneut meine schönen Achseln und du kannst deinen Blick nicht abwenden. Komm näher, Achselliebhaber!
Main theme: FETISH
Language: German
Price: 9.99 USD
Added: 2022-06-20
Length: 5:16 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 277.43 MB

Fabris Session Part 1
Clip ID: 512820022173 • Clip URL:
My new slave Fabri was allowed to serve Mistress Jenny and me. We had a delicious time. At his expense, of course. On the agenda was, among other things, pathetic wanking, ballbusting, spitting, ***** etc.. Part 2 of this clip can be found at Mistress Jenny's store.
Fabris Session Teil 1
Mein neuer Sklave Fabri durfte Mistress Jenny und mir dienlich sein. Wir haben uns köstlich amüsiert. Auf seine Kosten versteht sich. Auf der Tagesordnung stand u.a. erbärmliche Wichserei, Ballbusting, Spitting, Erniedrigung, etc. Teil 2 dieses Clips findest du bei Mistress Jenny im Store.
Language: German
Price: 17.99 USD
Added: 2022-06-19
Length: 21:13 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 1.19 GB

We're About To Fuck
Clip ID: 512820022172 • Clip URL:
We're about to fuck! But don't even think that you get fucked or even fuck may, Cucki loser. Hahaha
Gleich wird gefickt
Gleich wird gefickt! Aber denk nicht mal daran, dass du gefickt wirst oder gar ficken darfst, Cucki-Loser. Hahaha
Language: German
Price: 11.99 USD
Added: 2022-06-19
Length: 4:50 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 261.02 MB
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