Lady Vampira
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Wicked Witch 2/2
Clip ID: 514270023268 • Clip URL:
After a long night of partying, the craftsman is probably still ripped off downstairs in the studio waiting for his mistress to return, because the seductive beauty of the nylon goddess didn't just cost her sanity during the foot smelling hand job! But Lady Vampira was celebrating Halloween properly as a wicked witch and has towed the next idiot! Disguised as a PetPlay mutt, the HumanPuppy slave on a leash probably only sniffed after the hot foot scent and wanted to lick the broken nylon stockings. Now, with Ballbusting CBT and foot dominance, he'll learn to bark on command like a trained mutt! / Nach einer langen Partynacht liegt der Handwerker wahrscheinlich immernoch abgezockt unten im Studio und wartet auf
Main theme: FOOT FETISH
Language: German
Price: 9.99 USD
Added: 2022-11-21
Length: 9:44 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: wmv
Size: 849.63 MB
Victim For Vampires – Halloween Special Bite 2
Clip ID: 514270017731 • Clip URL:
Count Dracula digs his greedy fangs into the flesh of his bound victim. You only hear soft moans as Lady Vampira approaches from behind in the strict corset and pinches the slave's nipple. Again and again the undead bares its pointy vampire teeth for joy at its catch. The master continues to bite and suck on the cock of his prey. But the Gothic Mistress longs for more adventures in the room next door ... / Graf Dracula schlägt seine gierigen Fangzähne in das Fleisch seines gefesselten Opfers. Man hört nur leises Stöhnen als sich Lady Vampira im strengen Korsett von hinten nähert und dem Sklaven in die Nippel zwickt. Immer wieder fletscht die Untote vor Freude über ihren Fang die spitzen Vampirzähne. Der
Main theme: ROLE PLAY
Language: German
Price: 9.99 USD
Added: 2020-10-22
Length: 9:41 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: wmv
Size: 911.23 MB
Victim For Vampires – Halloween Special Bite 1
Clip ID: 514270017723 • Clip URL:
Anyone who falls into the hands of these tail-throaty sperm suckers will be held captive in the dungeon of the property for the rest of their miserable life. Until Count Dracula wakes up hungry on Halloween. Then it is time for Lady Vampira to hide her beautiful face behind a mask and to step down in the magical cape to throw the victim to the vampire to eat ... /Wer diesen Schwanzrünstigen Spermasaugern in die Hände fällt, wird für den Rest seines erbärmlichen Lebens im Kerker des Anwesens gefangen gehalten. Bis Graf Dracula an Halloween hungrig erwacht. Dann wird es für Lady Vampira Zeit, ihr schönes Gesicht hinter einer Maske zu verbergen und im magischen Cape hinab zu schreiten, um dem Va
Main theme: ROLE PLAY
Language: German
Price: 9.99 USD
Added: 2020-10-19
Length: 9:36 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: wmv
Size: 904.18 MB
Halloween Party Pumpkin Penetration
Clip ID: 514270017721 • Clip URL:
Bei der Halloween Party 2016 im Femdom Empire wird aus dem Kürbis ein extra großer Dildo! Ohne Vordehnen, direkt ins Arschloch gerammt! Spaß ist für die Zuschauer bei dieser bizarren Veranstaltung garantiert! Der kurze Einblick einer langen, versauten Nacht! Lady Vampira als mörderische Braut im blutigen Brautkleid ist eben alles, aber nicht unschuldig! [SM Studio Femdom Empire] / At the Halloween Party 2016 in the Femdom Empire, the pumpkin becomes an extra-large dildo! Without stretching, rammed directly into the asshole! Fun is guaranteed for the spectators at this bizarre event! The short glimpse of a long, naughty night! Lady Vampira as a murderous bride in the bloody wedding dress is ju
Language: German
Price: 7.99 USD
Added: 2020-10-17
Length: 6:38 min
Resolution: 1440x1080
Format: wmv
Size: 390.27 MB
FemDom Rubber Clinic - Special Treatment On The Gyn Chair 2/2
Clip ID: 514270017720 • Clip URL:
The metal penis cage is ideal for the irritating treatment with electricity. Electric shocks run continuously through the body of the rubber doll. So that the slave stops moaning, he is gagged with a ball gag and is allowed to watch himself in the mirror as Lady Vampira fucks his urethra with the dilator despite the chastity belt. / Der Peniskäfig aus Metall eignet sich hervorragend für die reizende Behandlung mit Strom. Elektrische Stöße fahren unentwegt durch den Körper der Gummipuppe. Damit der Sklave aufhört zu jammern, wird er mit einem Ballgag geknebelt und darf sich im Spiegel selbst dabei zusehen, wie Lady Vampira seine Harnröhre trotz Keuschheitsgürtel mit dem Dilator fickt.
Main theme: CHASTITY
Language: German
Price: 7.99 USD
Added: 2020-10-16
Length: 6:56 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: wmv
Size: 654.22 MB
FemDom Gummiklinik - Spezialbehandlung auf dem Gynstuhl 1/2
Clip ID: 514270017688 • Clip URL:
The legs are strapped to the gyn chair, the body is also fixed with latex straps. The tail is locked in the penis cage and even its breathing is controlled by the dominatrix. The slave is aware of his upcoming treatment at the Femdom Empire Clinic and is completely at the mercy of the mistress. Until Lady Vampira puts the latex mask on him, the latex sub can watch the procedure in the mirror above, staring greedily at the big boobs and the plump ass of his mistress in a latex dress. He suspects that his latex mistress is about to apply the stimulation current ... / Die Beine sind auf dem Gynstuhl festgeschnallt, der Körper ebenfall mit Latexgurten fixiert. Der Schwanz ist im Peniskäfig einges
Main theme: LATEX
Language: German
Price: 9.99 USD
Added: 2020-10-05
Length: 9:56 min
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: wmv
Size: 938.85 MB
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